International Student Guide Packing Tips for Russia e1644905112237

International Student Guide: Packing Tips for Russia

On your way to being an international student in Russia? To make sure you settle in nicely in the largest country in the world, here are some packing tips to help you get started. 

Things to Remember Before Creating Your Checklist

Do Not Overpack

Although you may be staying abroad for three months to a year, even four years does not mean you have to pack everything so you’d feel comfortable abroad. For instance, in terms of clothes, you can buy some while in Russia, so you only need to pack a few.

Moreover, not only is it a waste, but it is also not economical. You will even get charged at the airport if you exceeded your luggage weight limit. Instead, what you should do is pack smartly by planning and identifying which items are necessary to pack.

Remember the Climate

Another thing to remember when traveling abroad is your host country’s climate. Although Russia is typically known for being an extremely cold country does not mean it will be cold everywhere in Russia. Being the largest country in the world, expect varying climates from its different regions. In fact, in Russia’s Crimean Federal district, some areas’ temperatures may rise to 35 degrees Celsius

Make Copies of Your Essential Documents

Before you can travel abroad, don’t forget to make copies of your essential documents such as your enrollment letter, proof of acceptance, insurance, passport, study visa, transcript of records, enrollment receipts, and so on. Photocopy each one and also save digital copies. By saving them in the Cloud, it will be easier to access them once you’ve arrived at your destination. Also, in case the need arises, having copies of your documents abroad will make it easier to replace the originals. 

Bring Credit Card and Cash 

When you travel to Russia, bring both a credit card and cash. They will prove useful in case of emergency. In most cases, there are outlets where you can use your credit card. In case it’s not accessible, you have a backup fund through your cash. Also, having your card from your home bank will make it easier to apply for a bank account in Russia. 

Suggested Checklist

Here’s a suggested checklist of important things you should bring when you go to Russia. You can add more depending on your need and situation. 

Carry-on Luggage:

  • Study visa
  • Identifying documents 
  • High school diploma or certificate 
  • Notarized copies of high school diploma and certificate
  • Documentation of your medical status
  • Documentation showing you don’t have HIV/AIDS
  • Black and white photo of yourself (3×4 cm)
  • Prescribed medicines and its documentation 
  • Bank statement
  • Letter of invitation / letter of acceptance from your institution 
  • Gadgets (laptop/cellphone)

Checked-in Baggage:

  • Jackets or coats in cold areas; lighter clothes in warm areas
  • Sneakers and sandals for going around 
  • Formal clothes (for formal events)
  • National clothes (for some cultural events)
  • Souvenir for your host family (if applicable)

Need more ideas and packing tips for Russia? Check out MSM Unify’s article on What to Pack in Your Luggage When Studying Abroad to learn more.


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