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111822 MSM Unify Indian Students Studying in Canada A Guide to Safety 01

Indian Students Studying in Canada: A Guide to Safety | MSM Unify

Indian Students Studying in Canada: A Guide to Safety

Indian students who are studying in Canada should be aware of the safety measures that are in place while they are away from home. There are a few safety tips while staying in Canada for Indian students to safeguard themselves. Following these will help ensure that Indian students have a safe and enjoyable experience while studying in Canada.

Get Support From Your University Security Services

The security services at your university are there to protect you and your property. They can help with everything from campus crime prevention, to helping you find a lost item or report an emergency. If you need assistance with any of these issues, the security services staff is here to help.

Support from institutions you will be getting:

  1. Several institutions provide shuttle buses.
  2. Security escort services for students who exceed academic hours.
  3. Some institutions might even have their own mobile applications with a direct line for each student to contact security directly
  4. 24/7 CCTV monitoring
  5. Security at the university premise.

If ever you’re feeling unsafe in or around your campus or accommodations, don’t hesitate to contact them.

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How to Handle Emergencies?

An emergency can happen at any time. You may be returning home from school or on your way to your university when an emergency happens. Or perhaps in the University when an unfortunate situation occurs. Whatever it may be, there are things you can do to help yourself and others in case of an emergency.

The following is a list of tips for international students in Canada for handling an emergency. It is not intended as a substitute for professional interference but rather a strategic way of helping yourself and others when an emergency occurs.

  1. First, move to a safe place and call 911.
  2. Stay calm. Do not panic. Breathe deeply and slowly.
  3. Call your family members or friends. Tell them what happened and where you are. Let them know your situation.
  4. Try to determine if there is any danger to others. If so, take action to protect other people.
  5. Make sure you have enough money on hand to access important necessities.
  6. Keep a first aid kit with you at all times.
  7. If you can safely do so, leave the scene.
  8. If you are injured, try to remain still until help arrives.

canada education system

Be Sensible When Outside

The best way to stay safe when you’re outside is to be sensible of your surroundings. If you are out walking in a park or on the street, keep an eye open for people who look like they might be up to no good. Don’t talk to strangers, especially if they seem suspicious.

Here are some additional tips when you are outside:

  1. If you ever feel uneasy with the place, leave and tell whom you trust the most about your situation.
  2. It’s safer to travel in groups. Make sure you pre-book taxis or ask people to give you their number before you head out.
  3. If you’re walking by yourself late at night, keep some extra cash handy just in case something happens.
  4. Walk on well-lit streets.
  5. Don’t consider random people who offer you free lifts.

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Be Knowledgeable in Places Where You Want to Go

The more you know about the places where you want to go, the easier it will be for you to get there. If you are going somewhere new, you need to learn as much as possible about that place before you leave home. This is true whether you are planning a trip abroad or just visiting your local city.

Going Out Tips During Studying in Canada for Indian Student

  1. If you’re traveling for shorter trips, you can take advantage of local transit systems. Cities like Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal provide bus and subway services.
  2. If there aren’t any subways in smaller towns, you can always take public transportation, such as buses, commuter trains, or local taxis. You can check out schedules for these services online or in your phone book’s yellow or white page directory.
  3. If a public transportation station is far, some cities offer special parking lots where you can drop off your vehicle and then take a taxi or ride share to get to your institution. You can also rent a car if you already hold an international driving permit.
  4. Canada has its own set of rules. Make sure to know it to avoid unlawful acts that might compromise your stay as an International student.

Cost to Study in Canada for Indian Students

Keep Your Money and Documents Secure

As an Indian student studying in Canada, you must keep all your documents safe with you at all times. This includes your passport and any other important documents that are required for you to study or even work after you graduate from Canada.

If you lose your passport while traveling abroad, it can be a serious problem as you will not be able to travel back home without one. If this happens to you, then you should contact the nearest Canadian embassy or consulate immediately. You may also need to apply for a new passport if yours is lost or stolen.

If you do decide to carry large sums of cash with you, then you should be aware that there are risks involved. You could lose your wallet, or someone could steal it from you.

Additional tips for international students in Canada: use a credit card or debit account instead of carrying large amounts of cash around with you. This will make it easier to pay for things when you need them. It is also easier to report any lost or stolen cards.

Be Cautious While Having Fun

Before going out into unfamiliar territory, explore it first by researching and looking up anything you can find on that location to ensure that it is safe for you. Tell your family and friends beforehand so they don’t worry. You can also share where you’re currently located with someone you know well.

Stay Connected

You should always let your friends and relatives know where you are at all times. Here’s how you can stay connected:

  1. Use a GPS tracker to stay in touch with loved ones.
  2. Keep your social media accounts open.
  3. If you’re going out of town, tell your family or closest friend where you’ll be.
  4. Make sure your phone is charged so that you don’t miss any important calls or texts.
  5. Don’t forget about the power of email and SMS. You can send an urgent message via text or email if something happens while you’re away from school.
  6. Consider using a prepaid cell phone for emergencies.
  7.  If a landline phone is accessible, make sure it has a good battery backup.

Familiarity with safety tips while staying in Canada for Indian students is an important aspect of living harmoniously. This is how to prepare to study abroad in Canada. Being proactive and aware of your surroundings can help safeguard you while you enjoy all that Canada has to offer.



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