How Technology is Affecting Higher Education

How Technology Is Affecting Higher Education

We are currently living in a world where technology is advancing at an unprecedented rate. Technology from 10 years ago has already transformed so much. 

For example, it was only in 2010 when the iPad came into existence. People then were skeptical and just think of it as a luxury device that categorizes itself as between a laptop and a smartphone. Fast forward to now, and tablets are still a thing giving people the portability of doing many tasks such as creating arts, writing, music, and doing presentations and work-related work on the go. 

When it comes to the education sector, higher educational institutions (HEIs) are also quick to adopt new technologies to learning. We can say that both students and academic staff now depend greatly on technology, such as the use of computers, the internet, and smartphones. Aside from those, how else is technology affecting higher education? 


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How Technology is Affecting Higher Education

Here are some ways technology is affecting higher education now:


Accessible Higher Education 

One good thing that technology does to higher education is making it more accessible. Gone are the days when the only way to get an education is by going and traveling to school, going to classes with other students, and learning together under an instructor. Now, an HEI is more than just a building or a campus where people go to study together. 

For many international students, that kind of set-up has become a hindrance to taking an education abroad, not only is it more expensive, but they also need to commit fully to it. For example, for those who are already working, it means, getting away from work for a couple of months or more, just to finish a degree abroad. 

Now, even students who live outside the city or live far from their chosen HEI, as long as they have a smartphone or laptop around, can enroll and learn. Moreover, international education has also become more economic. Aside from the fact that students don’t have to pay exorbitant amounts for tuition fees, they also don’t have to adjust their cost of living to other countries, which may have a higher cost of living. 


Online Recruitment Increases

Most HEIs have also complemented their student recruitment with online recruitment. One reason is so they can reach a larger audience, and the other is because many young people these days, especially teenagers, spend a lot of their time online. For example, in the US, teenagers, according to ABC News, spend an average of 7 hours online for leisure and 9 hours if it includes schoolwork. 


Bite-Size Learning Through Subscriptions

We are currently experiencing an increase in subscription-based models in various services. From streaming services to accessing health services, to even education. Many social platforms, such as Skillshare, EdX, and Udemy offer subscription-based lessons and learnings.  

Due to the changing needs of different industries, sometimes, enrolling for a full-time degree and spending years for that has become more difficult. Instead, more and more students are going for shorter-length learning, in exchange for certifications and skills. Moreover, this technology makes education more accessible, as it expands the way most HEIs both big and small deliver education to different recipients. 

Learn more about international education and the higher education sector by reading MSM Unify overseas education consultancy article. 


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