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20 Easy Idioms for IELTS Speaking Test 2024

20 Easy Idioms for IELTS Speaking Test 2024

Many of us speak in English, but very few of us can speak fluent English. Amongst the people speaking fluent English, only a handful can use phrases or words that showcase their language prowess. 

Do you know flaunting English speaking skills is not a herculean task

Are you wondering what a ‘herculean task’ is? Well, it’s an idiom that means ‘a task requiring great effort.’  But, what exactly is an idiom?

An idiom is a set of words or a phrase that makes sense within a language or culture but loses meaning when the phrase is broken down. The key thing to remember about an idiom is, never to go by the words’ meaning literally!


In this blog, we will discuss twenty easy idioms for IELTS speaking test that you can use in your day-to-day life. Learning these easy idioms can help you improve your IELTS speaking test, and boost your confidence. 


20 easy idioms for IELTS speaking test

idioms for ielts speaking test 2024

The following section entails 20 easy idioms for IELTS speaking, with their meanings and examples of their usage. 

So, let’s stop deliberating on ‘how to improve IELTS speaking skills,’ and ‘how to develop English speaking skills,’ and dive deep into the incredible world of idioms!


1. Better late than never

We are starting our list with quite an easy one. The meaning of this phrase is fortunately self-explanatory and can be used in everyday contexts.

Meaning: It is better to do something late than not do it at all

Example: [An employer saying this to an employee] Glad you finally finished the task! Better late than never!


2. Under the weather

If someone says they are under the weather, it doesn’t imply that they are literally under the weather. So do not insist on giving them an umbrella! Here’s the meaning:

Meaning: feeling sick or unwell

Example: [An employee telling the employer] I can’t work today. I am under the weather.

In this case, the employer should say, ‘Get well soon!.’


3. Beat around the bush

As said previously, idioms rarely imply the literal meaning! So, even this idiom doesn’t mean that you have to take a baton and beat around some bush.

Meaning: to avoid getting to the point of an issue being discussed (often done intentionally)

Example: Don’t beat around the bush! I don’t have time to listen to your illogical arguments.


4. Twisting (my/ your/their) arm

ielts speaking idioms for test

 Again, it doesn’t mean you must wriggle someone’s arm and cause pain. This idiom is usually used jokingly, and here’s what it means.

Meaning: forcing someone to do something

Example: [A person telling a friend] You don’t have to twist my arm, buddy. I will get you the book tomorrow.


 5. Give (someone) the benefit of the doubt

This idiom is pretty straightforward and can be used in regular situations and conversations.

Meaning: consider the person to be innocent unless proven otherwise

Example: [An employee telling the boss about another team member] Give him the benefit of the doubt. We are not sure whether he deliberately made the mistake.


6. Cut corners

Do not imagine cutting the corners of a loaf of bread, or any other random thing!

Meaning: to take an easy or shortest way, that often leads to a lapse in quality

Example: Do not cut corners while studying; the outcome won’t be satisfactory.


7. Spill the beans

Have you heard anyone saying that they spilled the beans? Did you imagine them doing it in actuality? Well, here’s the meaning:

Meaning: to give away a secret

Example: [A person telling their best friend] Come on, you can’t hide anything from me. Spill the beans!


8. Blessing in disguise

ielts speaking idioms


Have you ever found an experience or a situation unfavorable at first, but found it advantageous later? Next time, you can use this idiom to describe such situations.

Meaning: something that seems to be a misfortune at first, but turns out to be something good eventually

Example:  I was recently rejected by a music company, which proved to be a blessing in disguise. Now, I run my own company!


9. The ball is in your court

You don’t need to play tennis or any other sport involving a ball to use this idiom! You can use it in a relevant real-time situation.

Meaning: it is up to you to make a decision/ take the next step

Example: [A person discussing with another person who has received an offer letter] I have already shared my view on accepting the offer letter. The ball is in your court now!


10. Break a leg

What if someone asks us to break a leg? We won’t do it, of course!  But, what exactly do we do when someone says this?

Meaning: Good luck!

Example: [A person wishing someone good luck for a competition] Win that competition! Break a leg!


11. Once in a blue moon

idioms for ielts speaking skills

Do we see a blue moon often? Perhaps, most of us have never seen a blue moon! The meaning of this idiom is hidden in the phrase itself.

Meaning: Rarely

Example: [A person saying this to a friend who bathes rarely] Why do you bathe once in a blue moon? You stink!


12. Best of both worlds 

The meaning of this idiom is simple. We won’t ‘beat around the bush’ to unveil the meaning!

Meaning: Experiencing the benefits of diverse situations at the same time

Example: I live in the countryside and work in the city, so I enjoy the best of both worlds. 


13. Through thick and thin

This idiom is often used to describe friends and family who care for you and stand by you, no matter what!

Meaning: to support/ persevere through good as well as tough times

Example: [You can say this to a supportive friend] Thank you for being with me through thick and thin. It means so much to me!


14. At the drop of a hat

idiom for ielts speaking test

Are you a spontaneous person? If yes, you will get many chances to use this idiom to describe your actions.

Meaning: to do something without hesitation

Example: I am too shy to sing publicly, but my sister can go up the stage and sing at the drop of a hat.


15. Easy does it

You can use this idiom to flaunt your English speaking skills. This idiom is used independently, and not as a part of a sentence. 

Meaning: Be careful!

Example: [Your friend is learning to drive, you can tell them] Easy does it! Rushing can lead to an accident!


16. Hang in there

This is one of the easy idioms for speaking which can be used commonly in day-to-day conversations.

Meaning: Don’t give up/ Persevere through the challenge

Example: [If your friend is on the verge of leaving a job, you can say this to them] Hang in there! You will feel confident at work in a couple of weeks.


17. You can say that again

This easy idiom in English is not to be used when you have missed out on what the other person has said. Know the meaning to use it appropriately.

Meaning: To express complete agreement

Example: [Your friend says,’’ Tom Cruise does amazing action movies.” If you agree with what they said, you can use this idiom.] You can say it again!


18. Piece of cake 

idioms for speaking test

Cakes make a delicious dessert! But, does this idiom mean something delicious? Find out!

Meaning: An easy task or activity

Example: I finished my homework early today. It was a piece of cake!


19. Come rain or shine

This is one of the easy idioms for IELTS speaking with meaning conveyed by the phrase itself! 

Meaning: No matter what happens

Example: Come rain or shine, I won’t give up on this task until I finish it successfully!


20. Make a long story short

Again, this is one of those easy idioms for speaking with meaning exposed in the idiom itself.

Meaning: Explaining something in a few words, without giving a detailed explanation

Example: [You have had a long day at work with too many stories to tell, but you can say:] Making a long story short, I am too tired, and hungry. Let’s order something for dinner.


So, to make a long story short, learn these easy idioms for IELTS speaking test.

With these idioms, you can get rid of your concerns about ‘how to improve English speaking skills,’ and ‘how to develop English speaking skills.’ 

Also, idioms play an important role in scoring high on IELTS English speaking tests. So, if you are aspiring to ace IELTS this year, keep practicing idioms and get in touch with experts for comprehensive exam preparation.

If you are looking for IELTS preparation coaching, contact study abroad consultants at the earliest.


Reasons to choose MSM Unify for IELTS preparation:

  • Our certified IELTS tutors have over 10 years of experience.
  • Our students have scored up to Band 8 on the IELTS. Now, it is your turn to score high!
  • We provide 32 hours of online IELTS coaching to help you learn from the comfort of your space. 
  • We encourage a batch size of 2-3 students (a maximum of 8) to provide personalized guidance and comprehensive support.


Also, MSM Unify presents this amazing offer to accelerate your decision: Get INR 500 off on our IELTS coaching**


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