111622 MSM Unify How Much Does it Cost to Study in Canada from India 01

Cost to Study in Canada for Indian Students

Canada is a reasonable option for study abroad destinations. The most recent figures show that one of the top study abroad destinations for students worldwide is Canada. At all levels, the number of enrolled students climbed dramatically between 2015 and 2018, with college enrollment increasing the most.

Canada is one of the few nations where education is more reasonably priced, despite the fact that studying abroad can be expensive. The high expense of studying in Canada is nevertheless feasible because there are several options for funding your education there.

MSM Unify discusses the cost to study in Canada from India as well as why Canada is increasingly becoming a popular study destination among Indian students.


Why Canada is popular among Indian students

One of the most desired study abroad locations is Canada, which is especially well-liked among Indian students. India has been leading Canada’s enormous rise in the global student market. Because of this, international students are continuously researching about the cost to study in Canada from India so that they have a glimpse of what to expect.

Canada has one of the highest numbers of international students in the world, which is at least in part due to the high standard of instruction provided, the variety of job prospects, and the country’s open immigration and post-graduate employment policies. Other reasons why Canada is popular among Indian international students are:

  • Globally recognized education
  • Internationally ranked institutions
  • Affordable study opportunities
  • Wide range of study programs
  • Pathway to an amazing career
  • Work opportunities for students
  • Accessible scholarship opportunities

The cost to study in Canada is less expensive than other major study and live abroad locations. Additionally, the picturesque surroundings, energetic city vibe, and tight-knit campus community offer students the perfect environment for overall development.


Cost to study in Canada from India

A sizable chunk of the cost to study in Canada is made up of university tuition fees. The overall cost depends on a number of variables, including the type of course, its reputation and international reach, the city of study, and so forth.

Canada is one of the few nations where education is more reasonably priced, despite the fact that studying abroad can be expensive. A significant percentage of the price of education expenses is the cost to study in Canada.

Indian international students must submit their tuition fees, which are determined by a variety of factors, in order to study in Canada. Below is a table of the cost to study in Canada from India for a few popular, highly regarded fields:

Field of Study Group Undergraduate Cost in CAD Graduate Cost in CAD
Humanities 28, 676 13, 667
Business Management and public administration 26,680 24,693
Law, legal professionals and studies 33, 192 17, 237
Engineering 33, 703 19, 301
Nursing 21,922 16,168
Mathematics, computer and information sciences 33,012 16,647

Remember that the type of certification and school a candidate selects affects the cost to study in Canada for Indian students after 12th.


Cost of living in Canada

For the price of lodging, food, and the required health insurance, you should set aside between 7,000 CAD to 20,000 CAD year. The cost to study in Canada and any additional applicable student, administrative, application, or permission costs should also be taken into consideration.

Remember to include additional spending money in your budget for activities like going out with friends, traveling, or attending events. Most often, Indian international students who are interested in studying in Canada choose to remain in on-campus housing. However, they can also apply for staying off-campus apartments.

Accommodation Type Cost in CAD
On-Campus 7,000-8,000 per year
Off-Campus 400-700 per year

The cost of living in Canada makes up a sizable amount of the overall cost to study in Canada for Indian students after 12th. Students can make better plans if they are aware of the costs associated with living in Canada and moving there. For international students who have decided to enroll, learning the cost to study in Canada is easy.

For a student visa to Canada, a certain amount of money must be in your bank account. CIC (Citizenship and Immigration Canada) demands documentation demonstrating your financial resources. The immigration officer will calculate cost of living estimate that your college offers. You will need to present proof of $10,000 for a year’s worth of student living expenses in Canada if your college doesn’t offer it. A further $4,000 will be needed for the spouse, and a further $3,000 will be needed for each dependent.

Many foreign students decide to study abroad for a variety of reasons, including the high caliber of instruction, the distinctive program, the diversity of the nation, the abundance of prospects, and the affordable cost to study in Canada.

Canada is known for offering top-notch education with degrees that are recognized all over the world. It has a vital role in the adaptation of the world’s premier educational institutions to technology breakthroughs and continues to remain at the forefront of technical developments. But more than anything, Canada remains one of the most affordable study destinations among international students and Indian aspirants alike.


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