Consequences of Academic Dishonesty

What are the Consequences of Academic Dishonesty?

Academic dishonesty comes in many forms. In most institutions, academic dishonesty is defined as cheating, plagiarism, and falsifying information.

The consequences of academic dishonesty, while studying abroad, vary depending on your institution and the severity of the act. Here’s a quick look at the academic, social, and legal consequences of academic misconduct:


Barriers to Academic Integrity

Before labelling students who performed acts of dishonesty as lazy and cheats, it’s important to take a look into cultural and language barriers that hinder the students from practicing academic integrity.

There are cultural and language factors that influence academic dishonesty, especially for students who are non-native speakers of the language of the country. The inability to express themselves in another language may tempt the students to resort to cheating.

To understand the effects of academic dishonesty, here are consequences that a student may face if he/she plagiarized, cheated, or falsified data:


Academic Consequences

Academic consequences for academic dishonesty and misconduct vary depending on the moral code and regulations set by your university. 

Students who offend the code of the school by conducting any example of academic dishonesty may be penalized. In some institutions, punishment comes in different forms including detention, and even expulsion based on the severity of the misconduct.

As an effect of academic dishonesty, the student will not be able to track their own progress realistically due to the inaccuracy of his/her outputs.

To illustrate, a student who plagiarized a published work and submitted it as if it’s their own will not receive a proper evaluation of their skills and knowledge. 

For academic progress, it’s vital for students to know their weaknesses to improve them. And if the instructor would be assessing a student’s level of mastery in a subject based on a work that he/she did not produce, then it would render the evaluation meaningless. 

More importantly, think about the potential risks of granting a degree to a student who plagiarized their work. If they are granted a degree and are allowed to practice, the consequences would extend from themselves and the institution to the people and company that they would serve in the future. 


Social Consequences

Following academic consequences, students who performed acts of academic dishonesty but were granted a degree may pose danger to the field they’ll be working in.

This is more reflective in industries that require technical and practical skills. To demonstrate, when practicing medicine, it’s imperative for the doctor to not only be highly educated and well-experienced in his/her specialization, but also to be honest, empathetic, and considerate.

A doctor whose skills and knowledge weren’t properly evaluated due to academic dishonesty while in school, may jeopardize the health and safety of his/her patients. 

While it’s important to recognize that people are capable of change, and skills and knowledge do not only foster within the walls of a school, it’s just as important to address academic dishonesty, to prevent further consequences, especially in society. 


Legal Consequences

One of the more serious consequences of academic dishonesty is legal consequences. How does this happen?

As an effort to give students more hands-on experience in a field, the institution may partner up with an external organization, usually a private business. Students are then expected to participate in the event, often through research and projects.

If the student cheats or gives false information about the external organization, especially if that information affects the reputation of the business, then the business has every right to pursue legal actions against the student.

Penalties can be minimal such as fines or could be more severe like a lawsuit. And with a bad record, it may be difficult for the student to land a job in the future.

Don’t let your bright study abroad dreams dim with academic dishonesty. Our study abroad blogs here at MSM Unify overseas education consultancy will help you learn how to sustain academic integrity as an international student.


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