American Idioms You Should Learn Before Going to the US e1644312904207

American Idioms You Should Learn Before Going to the US

The language is fun, especially with the use of idioms. Idioms are tricky phrases used by native speakers as a form of expression, but non-native speakers may have trouble picking them up. Thus, it needs to be understood from a cultural perspective.

Listed below are some popular idioms that you might hear in a conversation, along with their definitions and examples.

Think Outside the Box

This idiom is used most of the time. In school, business, or casual conversation. The “box” in the phrase stands for something generic or boring, something that everyone has been doing. So, thinking “outside the box” means thinking of new ways or approaches to a problem.

Used in a sentence:

“I need to think outside the box to present this project well.”

Piece of Cake

This one’s easy. Yes, it means “easy,” and has no relation to an actual cake. Use this idiom to express how you did a task with ease.

Used in a sentence:

“That last project I did was a piece of cake.”

Under the Weather

When someone says he is feeling “under the weather,” it means that he feels like he’s going to catch a cold or is already sick with colds.

Used in a sentence:

“I missed class the other day because I was feeling under the weather.”

Hit the Nail on the Head

“Hitting the nail on the head” means that you’ve captured a thing accurately. It was like aiming for the target and you hit the bullseye. Something that you did with precision.

Used in a sentence:

“You’re right! You’ve hit the nail on the head!”

Get Your Ducks in a Row

This phrase means getting your affairs in proper order. “Getting your ducks in a row” denotes that you need to organize the things that you are responsible for.

Used in a sentence:

“You have to get your ducks in a row before taking a leave of absence.”

Hit the Books

To “hit the books” basically means to go study. It does not mean actually hitting your books (no matter how stressful your studies get). Use this idiom if you’re feeling motivated to study for the whole day or week.

Used in a sentence:

“You need to hit the books if you don’t want to fail in class.”

Costs an Arm and a Leg

No, Americans don’t chop off body parts as payment. This idiom is an expression that means something is extremely pricey or expensive.

Used in a sentence:

“Taking a master’s program costs an arm and a leg.”

A lot more English idioms can be learned. Search them up and know when it is best to use them. We hope that we have helped you, even just for some words, to speak like a native English speaker.

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