
As an international student in the United States on an F-1 visa, you might be wondering, can I change employers during CPT? Curricular Practical Training (CPT) allows you to gain work experience in your field of study while you’re still enrolled in school. However, as with most visa-related processes, there are specific regulations to follow. In this blog, we’ll discuss whether you can change employers during CPT, what steps are involved, and how to ensure you stay compliant with your visa requirements.


What Is CPT and Its Purpose?

Before addressing the question, can I change employers during CPT, it’s essential to understand the purpose of CPT. CPT is a work authorization that allows F-1 visa students to engage in internships, co-ops, or employment that is directly related to their academic program. The work must be a part of your school’s curriculum, and your Designated School Official (DSO) must approve the CPT before you begin working.

CPT can be either part-time (20 hours or less per week) or full-time (over 20 hours per week), and it’s designed to give students practical, hands-on experience in their field of study.


Can I Change Employers During CPT?

Now to answer the key question, can I change employers during CPT? The short answer is yes, you can change your employer during CPT, but you must follow specific steps to ensure your new employment is authorized. Unlike OPT, where you have more flexibility with changing employers, CPT requires that each employment experience be directly related to your academic program and approved by your school.

  • New Authorization Needed: When changing employers, you will need to obtain new authorization from your DSO before you can begin working for a different employer. You cannot simply switch jobs without this approval, as it could jeopardize your visa status.
  • Employer Change Process: To change your employer during CPT, you must provide your DSO with a new job offer letter, detailing the nature of the employment and how it relates to your field of study. The DSO will then determine if the new position meets the CPT requirements and update your I-20 form accordingly.


Steps to Change Employers During CPT

If you’re asking yourself, can I change employers during CPT, and you’re ready to proceed, here are the steps to follow to ensure you remain compliant:

  1. Consult Your DSO: Before making any changes, it’s essential to consult with your DSO. They will guide you through the process and help you understand the impact of changing employers on your CPT authorization.
  2. Obtain a New Job Offer: You’ll need a new job offer letter from the employer you plan to switch to. This offer letter must outline the position, including how it is directly related to your academic program.
  3. Submit the New Application: After securing the new job offer, submit it to your DSO, along with the necessary CPT application forms. Your DSO will review the new employment details and update your I-20 if everything is in order.
  4. Wait for Authorization: Before you begin working for the new employer, ensure that your CPT has been approved and your I-20 has been updated. Working without authorization can lead to visa violations.


Important Considerations When Changing Employers

If you’re still wondering, can I change employers during CPT, it’s important to consider the following before making your decision:

  • Impact on Academic Progress: Your CPT must be directly tied to your academic program. Changing employers should refrain from interfering with your ability to complete your degree requirements. Ensure that the new job aligns with your field of study.
  • Timing: Make sure that the change in employment does not cause a gap in your CPT authorization. You cannot work for a new employer until the updated CPT has been approved and reflected on your I-20 form.
  • Communication with DSO: Keep an open line of communication with your DSO throughout the process. They can help you avoid any complications and ensure your transition to a new employer is smooth and compliant with visa regulations.



Can I change employers during CPT? Yes, you can, but it requires proper authorization and adherence to the rules governing your F-1 visa. By following the correct process—consulting your DSO, securing a new job offer, and obtaining updated CPT authorization—you can successfully switch employers during your CPT period without risking your visa status.

If you’re considering a change in employers during CPT, plan ahead and work closely with your DSO to ensure a smooth transition. Staying informed and following the proper procedures will allow you to continue gaining valuable work experience while remaining compliant with your visa requirements.

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