New Schengen Visa Rules: Great News for Indian Students!

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The European Union has just streamlined travel for Indian students with a brand new visa system.

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Schengen visas, once single-entry, now permit multiple entries, offering students greater travel flexibility within the area.

Multi-Entry Marvel

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Long-term visas under the new system grant travel rights similar to those enjoyed by visa-free nationals.

Travel Like a VIP

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Indian students who have successfully obtained and used two Schengen visas within the past three years become eligible for a two-year multi-entry visa.

Two-Year Multi-Entry Visa Eligibility

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Following the successful utilization of the two-year multi-entry visa provided your passport has sufficient validity, you may be eligible for a five-year multi-entry visa.

Potential Five-Year Visa After Two Years

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Schengen visas permit short stays of up to 90 days within any 180-day period.

Short Stays Within the Schengen Area

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This visa is designed for exploration and academic pursuits, not employment.

Freedom to Explore, Not to Work