Travel Checklist: Things to Carry to USA for Indian Students

Red Section Separator

Passport, Visa, I-20 Form, University Letters, SEVIS Fee Receipt, and Academic Records. Ensure you have multiple copies!

Essential Documents

Red Section Separator

Carry prescription medications, basic over-the-counter medicines like painkillers, cold and cough remedies, and your vaccination record.

Medications & Health Supplies

Red Section Separator

Don't leave without your mobile, laptop, chargers, adapters, and a universal plug adaptor.

Gadgets & Electronics

Red Section Separator

Pack your toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, and other toiletries. Comfort meets cleanliness!

Personal Care Items

Red Section Separator

From formal attire to casual wear and winter essentials, pack clothes suitable for all seasons.

Clothing for Every Season

Red Section Separator

Bring along ready-to-eat snacks, spices, and small cooking utensils.

Food & Cooking Essentials

Red Section Separator

Avoid heavy liquids, expensive jewelry, excessive books, and too many winter clothes.

Travel Light